サイト 編集者サイト 編集者2024-10-04 19:49:182024-10-09 19:52:03We congratulated Mr. Zhang on his Ph.Dサイト 編集者サイト 編集者2024-08-26 12:55:452024-08-27 13:00:08A hot-weather party was held.サイト 編集者サイト 編集者2024-06-15 11:12:092024-06-17 11:23:00Ms. Nakagawa (D3) received the Young Scientist Encouragement Award (Poster Award) at the 7th project meeting of “Science of 2.5D Materials”.サイト 編集者サイト 編集者2024-05-16 13:01:552024-05-17 13:03:50Welcome party was held.
We congratulated Mr. Zhang on his Ph.D
Zhang completed Ph.D program.
A hot-weather party was held.
Ms. Nakagawa (D3) received the Young Scientist Encouragement Award (Poster Award) at the 7th project meeting of “Science of 2.5D Materials”.
Welcome party was held.