サイト 編集者サイト 編集者2024-03-25 20:03:312024-03-25 20:05:00Mr. Zhang (D3) gave an oral presentation at the JSAP spring meeting.サイト 編集者サイト 編集者2024-03-22 19:56:292024-03-25 19:59:10A farewell party was held for D3 Miyazaki.サイト 編集者サイト 編集者2024-03-07 20:16:362024-03-25 20:19:26Ms. Nakagawa (D2) gave an oral presentation at the APS march meeting.サイト 編集者サイト 編集者2024-02-04 21:11:492024-02-21 17:21:57Ms. Nakagawa stayed with Prof. Kurebayashi Group at UCL in the UK for a short stay (4 weeks).
Mr. Zhang (D3) gave an oral presentation at the JSAP spring meeting.
A farewell party was held for D3 Miyazaki.
Ms. Nakagawa (D2) gave an oral presentation at the APS march meeting.
Mr. Zhang conducted experiments at KEK.
Ms. Nakagawa stayed with Prof. Kurebayashi Group at UCL in the UK for a short stay (4 weeks).